I found myself at Hobby Lobby this week. It is one of my favorite stores. If I want to make something, I find the components there. If I don’t have time to make it, I can usually find a finished product there. Best store ever, in my opinion. So here I was, walking through the aisles that were all decked out for spring and I couldn’t stop smiling under my mask. All the spring things, the bright colors, and the upbeat music was really helping my mood. I’m not saying I was in a bad mood exactly, just the winter blues mood. Know what I’m talking about? So much snow, so cold, so much negativity on the internet – it all just weighs on a person.
Then today, the weather got up to a balmy 45° and sunny! Oh. My. Goodness. It was amazing. This sunshine girl was LOVING it! Not only that, someone started a ‘Say something positive about a local business’ thread on the big ol’ FB and it was flooded with positive vibes!
Here is the thing. The snow is going to come. The cold is going to come. The gloomy days are going to come. Good news though, it doesn’t last forever. So be kind to your fellow man. Be the sunshine in their day if they can’t find it somewhere else. Say hello, hold a door, put someone’s cart up for them. It is the little things that can make someone else smile under their mask. We all need a little mask smiling during our day.
I don’t have any mask smiling related recipes but I do have one from a lady who knew how to smile through it all. My great grandma Rose. I hope you enjoy her Dumpling recipe.
Stay Peachy, friends! -Charity
Great Grandma Rose’s Dumplings
- 3 c flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- Chicken broth to mix
Put a pot of broth on the stove top over med/med-high heat to prepare to cook the dumplings. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add enough chicken broth to make a sticky dough. Mix well. Then add extra flour to be able to roll out dumplings. Cut into dumplings and drop into hot broth. Cook till tender.
**My Great Aunt Do (Dorothy Henderson), put this recipe in a family cookbook one year. It was a collection of recipes from different family members across the generations. She said that Great Grandma Rose (her mom) never measured anything. One day Grandma was going to teach her to make the dumplings. Every time Grandma Rose would put an ingredient in the bowl, Aunt Do would have to take it out and measure it. And that is how we were able to get a recipe from someone who never measured anything!