Oh my! It has been a hot minute since I have posted anything! Life has been quite the roller coaster and I’ve been enjoying the ride!
Most recently, my husband and I have been remodeling our bedroom. When we got married in 2003, we bought a beautiful cherry bedroom suite. It is big, sturdy, heavy, and exactly what I wanted. So we have had this set for over 18 years. We have moved into three houses with this set and it always feels like home. This weekend we broke it down and changed it out for a perfect farmhouse-style mismatched set that goes with our old farmhouse. I’m so excited about the new look but it was such a shock to wake up not surrounded by my cherry bedroom suite!! Then to make matters more interesting, while cleaning out the dresser, I found teeny, tiny little boy socks that have to be 15 years old. My boys are now 15(almost) and 17 and teeny, tiny, cute socks are a thing of the distant past. Yet, here they were. The memories and nostalgia that came with this weekend were a roller coaster in themselves.
I’m so thankful for that beautiful bedroom set that represents the first 18 years of our marriage. The years of my boys running to jump on the bed and wake us up or them falling asleep between us. The little clothes that filled the drawers before they warmed their feet. The piles of coats during holiday dinners or nieces and nephews taking their naps.
There is a season for everything and as our lives together move forward so do the memories we make. It’s ok to transition into the next phase. I love thinking of those tiny socks but I’m so proud of the men in progress who fill the big stinky ones now.
I’ll try to not let another 8 months pass between posts!
Stay Peachy, Friends!